Episode 23: My Sincerity to Your Creation | Prayers of the Pious | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Acts of Worship

Episode 23: My Sincerity to Your Creation | Prayers of the Pious

We may do good deeds to help others, but how is our sincerity in our private lives? Sh. Omar Suleiman covers the beautiful du’a of Yusuf ibn al-Hussein.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ نَصَحْتُ لِخَلْقِكَ ظَاهِراً وَغَشَشْتُ نَفْسِيْ بَاطِناً ، فَهَبْ لِيْ غِشِّيْ نَفْسِيْ لِنُصْحِيْ لِخَلْقِكَ

“O Allah, I was sincere to Your creation in public but cheated myself in private. Please excuse my disgrace because of my sincerity to Your creation.”

June 7, 2018