Conversations at The Carter Center: Harmonizing Religion and Human Rights | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Contemporary Ideologies

Conversations at The Carter Center: Harmonizing Religion and Human Rights

How can we align religious life with human rights? What role should spiritual leaders play in promoting human rights? And what can everyday people of faith do to defend human rights and encourage mutual respect between people of different religions?

These are a few of the questions that Sh. Omar Suleiman, founder and president of Yaqeen Institute, addressed at Conversations at The Carter Center: Harmonizing Religion and Human Rights. The event marked the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and brought together a panel of religious leaders to explore what the scriptures of some of the world’s major religions have to say about human rights.


Karin Ryan, the Carter Center’s senior advisor on human rights and special representative on women and girls


Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
Rabbi Jill Jacobs, executive director of T’ruah, the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Imam Omar Suleiman, founder and president of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

January 30, 2019