Yaqeen’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has recently been highlighted across several news platforms for both its research into Muslim sentiments as well as the resources it is providing to the Muslim community on how to cope spiritually and mentally during this difficult time. Both the Coronavirus Collection and Ramadan programming have been featured across many platforms, including USA Today, NPR, CNN, Washington Post, and the New York Times.

CNN Video: Muslims are using technology to stay connected this Ramadan 

CNN’s recent video on Ramadan features Yaqeen’s Qur’an 30 for 30 series to show some of the ways Muslims are observing Ramadan this year away from the community. 

USA Today: “Coronavirus has changed the way Muslims are celebrating Ramadan”

A few of Yaqeen’s research fellows were featured in USA Today’s article on Ramadan sentiments in this time of isolation, including Dr. Osman Umarji’s survey evaluation on the Muslim community’s sentiments towards Ramadan. 

NPR: “Ramadan in the Era of Social Distancing”

“To prepare his local community for Ramadan in self-isolation, Omar Suleiman, a Texas-based imam and founder of the Yaqeen Institute in Dallas, has encouraged his community to shift perspective...”
Yaqeen Founder and President Sh. Omar Suleiman was also featured in many other articles as a representative of Muslim faith leaders in the United States.
You can find all of Yaqeen's recent media coverage here.
By becoming an expert resource, Yaqeen Institute has made it possible for Islam to be represented in the mainstream. Our dedication to be there for the community in uncertain times and our passionate team of researchers at the ready to provide expert knowledge allow us the opportunity to represent Islam in the mainstream. 
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